Monday 13 August 2012

Lamb and Steamed Veggies

So, a huge part of the Paleo diet is the consumption of delicious red meat! I'm not a huge beef fan but I do love a good lamb steak. Since getting the Thermomix I have been trying to think of how much of my regular cooking I can do in there. Choosing which meals to 'Thermomise' and which to leave alone is my challenge at the moment (especially because I want to 'Thermomise' EVERYTHING!). Tonight I thought I would have a go making the stock-standard Lamb and Steamed Veggies in the Varoma! And it was a success!!!
There two main ways of cooking meat (like a steak) in the Thermomix. They are: in a water bath (in the basket and immersed in water) or steamed in the Varoma. Tonight I decided to give it a go steaming in the Varoma. After steaming the meat I seared it for a minute each side in a pan to brown it off. The result was an extremely tender piece of meat! You can adapt this recipe to suit your individual preferences when it comes to what veggies you use or how well to cook your meat. Enjoy!!




3 Carrots (peeled and cut into 3cm slices)
1 Bunch of Broccoli (cut into pieces)
2 Lamb Steaks
Garlic Paste
Moroccon Spice


1) Place your chopped veggies into the lower basket of the Varoma. 


2) Marinate your lamb steaks. I did a ginger and garlic rub followed by a light sprinkling of moroccan seasoning and some chopped chillies. (I'm sure there is a Thermomix recipe to make your own spices. I'll get on to that for the future!)

3) Place your steaks in zip-lock bags and squeeze out as much air as possible. (A vacuum sealer would be the ideal thing to use here but I don't have one! This worked just fine!!) Make sure each steak gets it's own zip-lock bag.

4) Place your meat in the top tray of the Varoma and place the lid on top. Fill your TMX bowl with 500ml of water. Place the Varoma try over the top of the bowl. You are ready to cook your meal! Cook meat and veggies for 40 minutes, Varoma heat on speed 1. (** I did it on Varoma heat for 40 min and steaks were medium. I would say 20-30min for rare and up to 1 hour for well done). I also like my veggies quite soft so I left them in there for the whole 40 minutes. You can take them out earlier (or put them in later) if you like them crunchy still- all up to personal preference.

5) Take your meat out of their bags and sear the outside of the meat for approx 1 minute each side in a hot fry pan (over high heat). You could also chuck it on the BBQ (if you can be bothered). You don't want the meat to spend too much time here or you will lose the tenderness you got through steaming the meat. You can eat the meat without browning the outside but it's not as nice!

Hey Presto!!! A delicious steak of lamb with yummy, healthy steamed vegetables. The advantages of doing it this way? The tenderness of the meat is like nothing else! On top of that, your meat isn't losing all of the important nutrients that get blasted out during BBQ/frying.

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